Friday, November 4, 2011

Journal #20

If I had the ability to talk to one species of animal, it would be primates. I choose primates because their brain develops at a faster rate than humans and there brain is not that different than a human brain and with there fast brain development I would teach them how to speak, write, how to use technology, and all things that humans know how to do and more. Since primates live in social groups the primates that i would teach, would spread the knowledge around to other primates. Soon enough, the whole primate population all around the world would know how to associate with humans and they would be able to help us with inventing new product or improve the products we have. Also, I would ask the primates how they felt being in the zoo rather than being in the wild and if it was up to them, were would they rather be. With that said, if I could communicate with one species of animal I would choose primates because of their brain development.

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